How to engage Everyone With the strategy?
How to Utilize Newest technology in Business?
We research and gather insights that help answering these questions and share them with you.

How can we achieve the transition from high-level strategic goals to tangible actions?
In the Strategy implementation clinic episode 1, Dr. Aušrinė Šilenskytė reflects on: Why high-level #corporate #visions and #goals do not lead directly to actions? How could a #manager address reasons that prevent translating strategy into actions through their #daily #work?

Overcoming challenges when adopting digital applications for strategy planning and implementation
A great number of #software applications for #strategyplanning and #implementation are emerging. In the second #podcast, together with Tiina Partanen, the Head of #ProjectManagement Organization and #Sustainability at #Foamit Group, we discuss about these #digital #applications for strategy planning and implementation: How is the application typically received at all organizational levels? What are positive and negative reactions by managers and employees towards the adoption of SaaS application for strategy work? What firm’s management should instantly address when digitalizing strategy work in an international firm?

Lecture: Diversity Management in Organizations
In this #lecture, Aušrinė Šilenskytė, Ph.D., discusses: – Why #organizations may NOT consider diversity management to be important? Why #international firms may face much harder challenges when designing and implementing Diversity Management #policies? #Fairness and #Equality concepts for designing diversity policies and Diversity #Management procedures. What influences decisions about Diversity Management in the organizations?

Why People in Your Company Would (Not) Act upon Your Strategy?
Despite extensive communication efforts or control systems, many employees still do not understand the organisation’s strategic goals, let alone act upon them. How could this be changed?

Miksi työntekijät eivät toimi strategian mukaisesti?
Hyvästä strategiaviestinnästä tai ohjauskeinoista huolimatta moni työntekijä ei ymmärrä organisaation strategisia tavoitteita, saati sitten toimi niiden mukaisesti.

Engaging employees in implementing a firm’s strategy
Managers frequently name strategy implementation as the number one challenge in their daily work. How to engage diverse teams in strategy work?

Adopting digital applications for strategy planning and implementation in a firm
A great number of #software applications for #strategyplanning and #implementation are emerging. In this #podcast, together with Tiina Partanen, the Head of Project Management Organization and #Sustainability at #Foamit Group, we discuss about these #digital #applications for strategy planning and implementation: why are they beneficial for companies? What are the #challenges of using such solutions? and how easy or difficult it is for a company to start using such digital application? What initial challenges do firms face when adopting digital applications built on #HoshinKanri strategy implementation methodology?

Blockchain in International Business: Opening the debate
Multinational corporations (MNCs) and #borndigitals have a great potential to benefit from both public, open source blockchains (such as near.org, or ethereum), as well as from the private ones (e.g. created within industrial ecosystems). As an unpatented, #disruptive innovation, blockchain has a large potential to change #businessmodels and patterns of internationalization. Yet, to what extent the high expectations of the blockchain technology are justified, and what might be overestimated, remains a question. In this panel, we aim to open the debate on the implications of blockchain technology for international business. We discuss about #bitcoin and #cryptocurrencies, but also many other applications of blockchain (#NFTs, #smartcontracts, #blockchaininsupplychain, #digitalpayments), etc. We conclude with the #implications to #internationalbusinesstheory.

Blockchain & the future of International Business
A video interview on what implications blockchain may have on international business. Aušrinė Šilenskytė, researcher & teacher at the University of Vaasa, discusses this topical issue with Vytautas Karalevičius, Co-founder of SpectroCoin and Bankera – two highly successful blockchain-based international companies. The companies were founded in Lithuania (a country which is the European Union’s fastest-growing fintech hub), and are now serving customers globally.